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What is Human Capital Management (HCM)?

Human Capital Management (HCM) involves strategically managing an organization's staff to enhance value and productivity. It includes the methods, tools, and technology used to recruit, train, engage, and retain staff. HCM goes beyond typical HR tasks by managing workers holistically as valuable assets that help the company succeed.

HCM includes talent acquisition, talent development, and workforce planning. Talent acquisition involves attracting and selecting the right candidates for various roles in the organization. Talent development includes training, performance management, and career development to improve employees' skills and capabilities.

HCM also promotes employee engagement and retention to boost work satisfaction, motivation, and loyalty. It emphasizes data analytics and metrics to assess and optimize HR processes and results for data-driven decision-making.

HRM seeks to provide an atmosphere where people flourish, perform well, and contribute to company success. It acknowledges the role of human resources in sustaining competitive advantage and organizational excellence, making it essential to strategic management.

Example of Human Capital Management (HCM)

The Google approach to HCM is one example. Google prioritizes recruiting top talent, developing employees, and encouraging innovation and cooperation. Google's rigorous hiring procedure seeks candidates with the right talents and the potential to succeed in the company's changing environment. They use creative interview questions and hiring committees to find the top candidates.

After hire, Google spends extensively on talent development via initiatives like Google University, which provides a wide variety of learning opportunities to improve skills and expertise. "20% time," which allows employees to spend part of their workweek on non-work activity, encourages personal endeavors.

Google encourages employee engagement and retention by providing a supportive work culture, appealing benefits, and a good work-life balance. These measures make Google an attractive workplace and boost employee happiness and productivity.

Google's HCM strategy shows how smart human capital management can boost corporate performance and innovation in today's competitive environment.

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