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Glossary/System Changeover

System Changeover

System changeover, also known as system migration, system conversion, or system transition, is the process of substitution, upgrade, or transition from one information system, software application, technology platform, or business process to another within an organization. This can involve upgrading software, hardware, or infrastructure, changing workflows and procedures for improved efficiency, handling technological obsolescence and supporting organizational development and innovation.

Example of System Changeover

A manufacturing company chose the application of its enterprise resource planning system (ERP) to a high-end and well-integrated software platform for the purpose of business process streamlining, data visibility improvement and decision-making support on strategic issues. undefined

Planning and analysis: The organization carries out a thorough evaluation of its existing ERP system with a focus on strength, weaknesses, gaps and future demands. The company lays out project objectives, scope, budget, timeframe, and stakeholder roles and responsibilities and assigns a project team to steer the changeover process.

Vendor selection: The company assesses ERP vendors and solutions with regards to the criteria such as functionality, scalability, customization possibilities, cost, support services, and compatibility with current systems and technologies. The firm picks a supplier and signs up a contract for software license, implementation service, and technical support.

System implementation: The company coordinates with the chosen ERP vendor and implementation partners to fully configure, customize, and deploy the new ERP system based on business requirements and best practices. The implementation process may include the data migration, software installation, user trainings, and testing to ensure the system functionality, dependability, and user-friendliness.

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