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Glossary/Workplace Retaliation

Workplace Retaliation

Workplace retaliation includes the unfortunate situation when an employer or a colleague subjects employees to adverse actions for reporting workplace discrimination, harassment, or violations of labor laws. Retaliation may take the form of termination, demotion, harassment, or poor performance marks, and is generally illegal by labor laws throughout many jurisdictions. Guaranteeing worker’s freedom from retaliation is a crucial component of creating a safe, impartial, and fair work environment and maintaining their ability to express themselves and demand respect.

Example of Workplace Retaliation

An employee files a complaint through the human resources department accusing the supervisor of gender discrimination and harassment. After the complaint is filed, this employee experiences workplace retaliation in the form of being excluded from meetings, unsubstantiated disciplinary action and negative remarks from colleagues. Having been a high-performing member of the team with a proven track record of past success, the employee finds himself the target of higher scrutiny and hostility on the part of management and his peers. The HR department becomes aware of the gravity of the issue, which triggers an investigation into the allegations of retaliation, unearthing proof of discrimination at the workplace and a hostile environment. Therefore, the company will suspend the misbehaving supervisor and institute prohibition on retaliation policies with training. By dealing with workplace retaliation in a timely manner and an effective way, the company demonstrates its engagement in creating an atmosphere where respect, fairness and accountability are cherished.

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