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Glossary/Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers are a reference to the generation born between 1946 and 1964, after the end of World War II. This generation received its name due to the fact that the birth rate rose dramatically during this period, consequently leading to a "boom" in the population. Baby Boomers have left an enormous footprint on numerous societal components, among them economy, politics, and culture. In addition, these groups are mostly defined by their specific events in their lives, as for example growing up during the post-war prosperity, witnessing significant social changes like the civil rights movement, and being part of the movements like the counterculture of the 1960s.

Example of Baby Boomers

At present, the baby boomers, while reaching their retirement age, are influencing the workforce and economy greatly. A large number of workers has decided to leave, resulting in a massive reshuffling of the labour landscape and creating room for the younger folks to occupy the vacant positions. On the other hand, the ageing number of Baby Boomers has pinned down healthcare and social security systems causing debates and policy implementations towards this age group. On top of this, Baby Boomers are reshaping the consumer trends, as industries adjust in order to meet their preferences and buying power. Overall, knowing the attributes and manners of Baby Boomers is critical to businesses, policymakers and the society as a whole as they try to deal with the challenges and opportunities posed by this generation of great importance.

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