Skima AI candidate matching.
Glossary/Chatbot in Recruitment

Chatbot in Recruitment

What Is A Chatbot in Recruitment?

Chatbots use artificial intelligence to engage prospects, automate activities, and expedite recruiting. AI-driven assistants on corporate websites, social media, and messaging apps help prospects immediately. As virtual recruiters, they answer questions about job availability, corporate culture, and application processes in everyday language. Initial screening by chatbots asks predefined questions to assess applicants' skills and fit for the job. They also coordinate with recruiting managers to arrange interview times.

Candidates get real-time application progress information and chatbot quizzes and tests. Chatbots increase applicant experience, recruiter productivity, and administrative responsibilities by automating repetitive processes and offering prompt support. Chatbots must be well-designed to preserve a human touch, support the employer brand, and guarantee pleasant applicant interactions throughout the recruiting experience.

Example Of Chatbot in Recruitment

Imagine a global company getting several job applications every day. They use a chatbot to handle this inflow and effectively create a smooth applicant experience. This jobs page chatbot is the applicants' initial contact. The chatbot converses with candidates interested in a job on the website, inquiring about their experience, talents, and preferences. After receiving replies, the chatbot delivers customized job postings, business culture, and perks.

It guides applicants through the application process and ensures they supply all required documentation. The chatbot coordinates with recruiting managers' calendars to organize the first interviews with eligible applicants. Candidates may ask questions and get application progress updates throughout the process. The company attracts top talent and maintains a great employer brand by using the chatbot to quickly handle candidate questions, vet candidates, and improve the recruiting process.

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