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Glossary/Culture Add

Culture Add

As opposed to a culture fit, the culture add approach involves hiring candidates from different backgrounds and hiring them not only based on their skills and qualifications but also for the positive impact they can bring to the organizational culture. Different from culture fit that stresses the conformity to existing cultural norms and values, culture add sees diversity, inclusion and adding different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences to the organization as invaluable. Culture add acknowledges the fact that a diverse workforce with different perspectives and approaches makes the environment conducive for innovation, creativity, and flexibility, all of which lead to growth and adaptability in a volatile and inconstant business environment.

Example Of Culture Add

To illustrate, an advertising firm could make culture add their priority while hiring a new creative team member. Contrary to the time when hiring managers selected candidates that fit the company culture, now, they look for those who have unique perspectives and different expertise that improve the quality of the team as a whole. It may be that they look for job seekers with different experiences in design, copywriting, digital marketing, or psychology, as well as those who maybe have non-linear career paths or unconventional education qualifications. Being culture add-friendly, the marketing agency builds the culture that is composed of inclusion, cooperation, and continuous learning with the employees satisfying with their own valuables and innovative ideas.

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