Skima AI candidate matching.
Glossary/Boolean Search

Boolean Search

What is Boolean Search?

Users can utilize Boolean Search to filter and restrict search results by combining terms with Boolean operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT." Boolean search, named after mathematician George Boole, lets users formulate complicated queries that identify search term associations for more exact and focused results.

The Three Main Boolean Operators

  • AND: This operator restricts search results to those with all provided keywords or criteria. Ex. searching "technology AND innovation" yields results using both keywords.
  • OR: The OR operator retrieves documents that contain at least one keyword or condition to extend search results. Searching "technology OR innovation" yields results using both terms.
  • NOT: The NOT operator eliminates certain words or conditions from search results. For instance, searching for "technology NOT innovation" returns results with "technology" but not "innovation."

Users may refine search results with complicated queries using several combination of operators and search phrases in Boolean search. They may search more efficiently and effectively using Boolean operators, improving information retrieval and decision-making.

Example of Boolean Search in Recruitment

A recruiter can use Boolean Search to find a Software Engineer who knows Java and Python but not web development. The recruiter can utilize an AI resume screening software to add Boolean operators in their search and make this search exact. The recruiter can ask: "Software engineer" OR "Programmer" AND "Java" OR "Python" NOT "Web Development" to filter applicants based on their skills.

This query:

  • Search results include "Software Engineer" and "Programmer" since the OR operator links them.
  • OR "Java" with "Python" returns candidates adept in either programming language.
  • The NOT operator before "Web Development" excludes people with web development expertise from search results.

Recruiters can streamline their recruiting process and save time by utilizing Boolean search to locate applicants who fulfil the job opening's parameters and exclude those with irrelevant experience.

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