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Glossary/Custom Career Pages

Custom Career Pages

The custom career pages are link-dedicated to the tailor-made web pages or the company's website sections that display its brand image, culture, values, and career opportunities to the possible candidates. These career pages are intended to create an interesting and informative experience for job seekers, and to give them more information on what the organization’s mission, vision, working environment, and benefits to employees are. Custom career pages can have multimedia content, for example videos, employee testimonials, photos of the workplace, and other interactive features that can resonate with the candidates successfully. Organizations can stand out from their competitors and attract top talent through tailoring their career pages, reinforcing their employer brand reputation.

Example Of Custom Career Pages

As an illustration, a multinational tech organisation could put together distinct career pages on its site that showcase its innovative projects, varied workforce, and employee-centric culture. The career pages include videos that feature employee stories, office life behind the scenes, and testimonials from existing employees who talk about their experience of career development opportunities and work life at the company. Furthermore, the career area also has interactive aspects, like a virtual tour of the company’s headquarters, employee-generated content on social media feeds, and even a chatbot for responding to FAQs of job seekers. Through the personalization of the career pages which pictures company culture and values the tech company, it attracts those talented candidates who are in line with their mission and product making process, hence adding to their talent acquisition and employer brand.

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