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Glossary/Informal Communication

Informal Communication

What is Informal communication?

Informal communications are all the verbal and non-verbal messages between members of an organization outside the formal channel or structure. Different from professional communication that follows the traditional patterns of hierarchy and protocols, informal communication tends to be more free-flowing and spontaneous and usually takes place between individuals on a par with each other or across different hierarchical levels. It usually occurs in casual settings such as coffee breaks, social gathering sessions, or informal meetings. Informal channels of communication include oral communications, phone calls, text messages, instant messaging, emails, and social platforms. This mode of interaction grants flexibility, speed, and power to foster relationship-building and camaraderie among the employees. On the one hand, informal communication can enhance teamwork, promote innovation, and increase feelings of belongingness within an organization. Nevertheless, less formality can spawn rumors, misunderstandings, or the exclusion of selected people.


A type of informal communication is a situation where employees collect during break time in the lunchroom to discuss work-related issues. Here, employees conduct casual conversations during which they divulge details about their ongoing projects, exchange ideas, and communicate for support. Such a casual environment makes it possible for free discussions and exchange of information among peers in a positive atmosphere, which increases team spirit and collaboration. Take, for example, a software developer who would discuss an issue they encountered with a colleague during a coffee break. They would simply be trying to get some tips or other ideas to solve the problem. Such peer-to-peer dialogue helps create an environment where opinions and creative ideas are openly exchanged, improving issue-solving and innovation in the workplace.

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