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Glossary/Job Analyzing

Job Analyzing

What Is Job Analyzing?

Job analyzing is a systematic approach use by the organization to collect, document and examine information about a job. It is a process of gathering data related to most key components of the job such as job description, job duties, necessary skills, qualifications, and working conditions. The data will spruce up job descriptions, establish performance standards, decide employee compensation, and form training programs.

The process usually entails utilizing techniques similar to interviews, questionnaires, observations, and consulting the documentation related to the existing job. Job analysis assists organizations in knowing the actual job description and the expertise demanded to conduct it efficiently and in harmony with the task and the company goals.


For instance, conducting a complete study of the duties and responsibilities of a position of customer service representative for a company of retail sort. Different approaches, for example, may include interviewing current employees who hold the same position, observing their everyday tasks, reviewing corresponding documents like training manuals and performance evaluations, and surveying their supervisors or managers for their profit.

During this time, the organization can specify the major roles of a customer service representative, which include attending to the customers’ queries, handling the return and exchange processes, transacting, and addressing customer complaints. Moreover, they can highlight the skills and qualifications needed for the job, like communication ability, problem-solving skills and mastery of company policies and products.

The outcome of the job analysis can be utilized to make a renewed or fresh job description, set up performance expectations, build training programs based on the role's specifications, and inform the invigoration of the recruitment and selection process by employing new customer service representatives.

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