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Glossary/Job Shadowing

Job Shadowing

Job Shadowing: Explanation 

Job shadowing is a professional development practice where individuals, often students or career changers, observe and learn from experienced professionals within a specific field or role. It provides an opportunity to gain firsthand insights into the daily responsibilities, work environment, and requisite skills of a particular job or career path. This experiential learning approach aids in making informed career decisions and establishing valuable industry connections. It is commonly employed to explore potential career options and deepen one's understanding of a chosen field.

Job Shadowing: Example

Meet Alex, a high school student with a passion for healthcare. He decides to shadow a nurse at a local hospital. Throughout the day, he observes the nurse's interactions with patients, administers simple procedures, and gains insights into the challenges and rewards of the profession. This job shadowing experience solidifies his desire to pursue a nursing career and provides a firsthand look at what to expect.

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