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Glossary/Labour Welfare Fund

Labour Welfare Fund

What Is the Labour Welfare Fund (LWF)?

Labour Welfare Fund (LWF) is a legal fund formed by governments to ensure social security and the welfare of workers. It is financed through employer contributions based on the number of staff and their salaries. The objective of the LWF is to assist the workers in providing for their basic needs and improving their standard of living. The funds will provide these benefits, including financial assistance during emergencies, healthcare services, housing assistance, education scholarships for workers' children, and skill development programs. The LWF seeks to enhance the welfare of employees, secure decent working conditions and reduce social and economic inequalities in the labor market. Through giving basic help and assistance to workers, the LWF can raise their well-being, productivity, and happiness in the workplace as a consequence.


Illustration of the Labour Welfare Fund (LWF) at work may be seen in a manufacturing company putting part of its income into the fund, as required by local labor laws. Through these contributions, the company provides its workers with important welfare benefits which include medical aid, support for their children`s education and emergency financial assistance. One such instance is when a worker has a medical emergency. They can then use the LWF to cover medical expenses, thus relieving the worker of the financial pressure. Similarly, the LWF can give out scholarships or vocational training programs, helping the workers and their family members to build their skills and perspectives for the future. The company is committed to growing its people and improving work conditions through the active participation of LWF. This, in turn, creates a positive work climate and stronger work relations.

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