Skima AI candidate matching.


An applicant is somebody who submits their resume, cover letter, and any other document as per company requirements in order to apply for a specific position. Applications for jobs ordinarily indicate a desire to work for the company and a want to contribute their knowledge and experience to the position they are applying for.

Example Of An Applicant

Stuart Higgins may be a recent graduate with a degree in computer science who is effectively looking for work as a program designer. He applied for a software designing position at XYZ Tech Company by submitting his resume, cover letter, and portfolio exhibiting his coding projects and encounters. John communicates in his application that he would like to assist XYZ Tech Company create new software solutions by utilizing his programming skill.

Difference Between An Applicant And A Candidate

An applicant and a candidate can sound the same but there is a difference. A person who has communicated interest in a position by submitting an application for it is referred to as a job applicant. But an applicant who has progressed through the hiring process and is being considered for the position, on the other hand, is a candidate. Before possibly getting a job offer, candidates usually go through assessments, interviews, and background checks.

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