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Glossary/Management Competencies

Management Competencies

Management competencies are skills and characteristics required for effective leadership and to guarantee a successful company. Generally, these skills are communication for clear and effective communication, strategic thinking for long-term planning and goal setting, problem-solving for creative solving problems, decision-making for making informed decisions, team building and collaboration for a productive workplace, adaptability for change, emotional intelligence for understanding and managing of emotions, and delegation for empowering team members. Also, the skill sets of managers consist of completing industry-specific knowledge and trends, financial acumen for budget planning and resource allocation, and ethical leadership to lead actions with integrity. Developing these skills allows managers to guide teams, conceive new ideas, and attain desired objectives in the volatile business arena.

Example Of Management Competencies

One of the concretizations of managerial competencies in practice might be a project manager assembling a cross-functional team to launch a new product. The manager's effectiveness in communication allows him/her to explain the project's goals succinctly to people in divergent departments. Strategic planning enables them to foresee possible difficulties in the product development phase and develop contingency plans. Problem-solving skills solve unforeseen situations, which always appear during the project. These abilities are exercised when ranking tasks in order of priority and spending resources to achieve deadlines. Collaboration and team building will produce a unified workplace with everyone subscribing to the same project goals. Adaptability helps the manager adjust the plan as received based on the feedback and the changing circumstances to ensure the product's success.

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