Skima AI candidate matching.


The punishment in the context of recruitment is to punish, by the disciplinary measures or consequences the candidate or employee for infringement of company policies, code of conduct or ethic standards during the recruitment process or employment tenure. Punishment may be administered in several ways: verbal warnings, written reproaches, probationary periods, demotions, suspensions, and even dismissal of employment depending on the nature and seriousness of misconduct and the policy of the organization. Employers sanction candidates or employees for engaging in acting such as dishonesty, misconduct, insubordination, harassment, discrimination, or disclosure of confidential information, which ultimately impairs the trust, inhibits social harmony, and damages the reputation and integrity of an organization.


Imagine a case where Mary, an applicant, provides fraudulent credentials and represents herself as being more qualified and experienced than she really is to get a job at Delta Corporation, the leading multinational company. Once Delta Corporation's recruitment team becomes aware of the differences in Mary's application during the background verification steps, they communicate to Mary the company's zero tolerance for dishonesty and provide her a notification that she has been disqualified from the recruitment process. Here, Mary's unethical conduct attracts penalties that are inconsistent with Delta Corporation's recruitment standards and trashes the credibility of the selection procedure. Through the sanction of Mary for her misconduct, Delta Corporation carries out its pledge of equity and trustworthy recruiting practices and keeps the brand credibility and reputation of the employer.

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