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Glossary/Normalize Rating

Normalize Rating

Normalize Rating recommends adjusting or standardizing the scale on a single measurement for comparison or analysis. In a performance review process or a customer feedback scheme, normalization ensures that evaluation is made consistent and fair while considering varying rating systems and biases. For instance, when one evaluator gives higher values than another, normalization can serve as an aggregate to level the results out. It might be the case that they decide directly to convert the ratings to a percentage scale or a standardized scoring system. In terms of normalization, it is easy to compare people, teams, or periods to contrast the teams or periods, effectively making the decision based on data. Normalization in customer reviews could, thus, allow the integration of feedback from multiple sources and give users a balanced point of view. Generally speaking, normalized ratings improve test validity and re­ dependability, making decisions based on assessments appropriate and informed.


A company’s clients will be asked to rate them on a scale of 1 to 10 in a customer feedback survey conducted by the company through different respondents. That said, there is often a major variance because people like different things and possibly have different meanings. They also normalize ratings by converting to a percentage scale to make apples-to-apples comparisons easier. An instance of this is the 8/10, which would give 80%. This approach gives you a uniform brand message that allows you to see the pattern in replies and use it for corrective actions. Through the normalization of ratings, they can assess consumer satisfaction levels and, most importantly, make action on a reliable, data-driven basis. The example above shows how normalization converts a diversity of ratings into a customized scale that enables understanding, interpretation, and action.

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