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Glossary/Peer Appraisal

Peer Appraisal

Peer appraisal more commonly known as peer assessment or peer review, is a process whereby members of an organization serve the purpose of evaluating each other's performance, competency, and conduct. In contrast to the conventional appraisals performed by supervisors or managers, peer appraisal entails contribution from the colleagues who are directly familiar with the individual's work and communications. Through this strategy, the organization culture of collaboration and inclusion is created as the team members are able to share experiences and perspectives among themselves which may also bring some new ideas and constructive criticism.


For instance, think of a team of software developers who are working on a project together. As part of their performance evaluation process, they are expected to provide a review of their teammates' performance via peer appraisal. They might take into account various factors like communication skills, teamwork, problem solving and technical expertise through the course of their interactions and observations during the project. The feedback not only provides individuals with personal insights into their strengths and weak spots but as a whole also builds a culture of feedback and development on the team's level.

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