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Glossary/Goal Cascading

Goal Cascading

What Is Goal Cascading?

Strategic management method goal cascading breaks down corporate goals into particular objectives and activities across the company. This method aligns and clarifies the purpose from top management to frontline workers. Translating high-level strategic objectives into quantifiable targets and activities for each department, team, and person is customary. By cascading goals, firms may guarantee that employees know their role in accomplishing company goals and can measure their progress. Goal cascading helps organizations allocate resources, monitor performance, and ensure responsibility, cooperation, and consistency. It lets workers realize how their everyday duties relate to the company's strategic goal, instilling ownership and drive to succeed.

Example Of Goal Cascading

In a retail establishment focusing on customer delight and sales growth, the target-setting substance is known as a cascading goal. The purpose of executive performance is to increase customer satisfaction by 10% and sales revenue by 15% in the fiscal year that is to follow. Then, the Regional managers plan to put into operation various methods to enhance customer satisfaction and, ultimately, sales in their areas of operation.

While regional managers establish performance objectives for individual shops, these are, for instance, shop training, an optimum layout, and efficient marketing techniques. Shop managers and the frontline staff are told clearly in detail on how to evolve the quality of their service to customers by increasing their product knowledge and increasing the sale of other related products to the ones they normally sell. Everyone knows their specific roles in the implementation of the firm's objectives and communicates across ranks through this process.

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