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The term stipend means fixed or scheduled payment or financial allowance as a support for one’s living expenses, educational or training costs, or as a compensation for work or services. Employers, educational institutions, research organizations, and government agencies provide the stipend and are usually awarded for particular purposes such as internships, fellowships, scholarships, apprenticeships or research projects. Amount of stipends and duration may differ based on type of the given program, issuing organization and selection criteria.

Example of Stipend

As part of a research assistantship program, a graduate student is given a stipend by a university, where the student assists faculty members with their research projects, data analysis, and scholarly activities. The fellowship is designed to provide financial assistance to the student as they engage in their graduate research and gain invaluable knowledge and skills in their area of study.

The amount of stipend is dependent on the university policies and funding availability and it may cover living expenses, tuition fees, health insurance as well as other educational costs. The student obtains the stipend either on a monthly or quarterly basis, as per the agreement of the assistantship and the research project duration.

Along with the stipend, the student may receive other benefits or opportunities that are associated with the research assistantship like access to research facilities, professional development workshops, conference travel support or publication opportunities. The research assistantship offers the student a practical experience in applying theoretical knowledge, boosting research competences and participating in scholarly discoveries.

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