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Glossary/Tax Regime

Tax Regime

A tax regime is described as a system of legislation, regulations and policies that govern both the collection, processing and enforcement of taxes in a particular jurisdiction. A tax system includes different types of taxes, such as income tax, corporate tax, value added tax, property tax, excise taxes, as well as tax exemptions, incentives, and compliance requirements. The tax system has a broad impact on individuals and businesses as well as government entities through affecting their financial decisions, investment strategies, and economic behaviour. The tax regime determines the fiscal landscape and revenue mechanisms of a country or region.


A multinational organization conducts business in different countries with distinct tax systems, which calls for proper tax planning and compliance strategy to maximize the profitability and limit the tax liabilities. The tax department of the company tracks down changes in tax laws and regulations in each jurisdiction as well as monitors compliance with local tax obligations to reduce the tax liability. As an illustration, a company may establish subsidiaries or offshore business entities in countries with low corporate tax rates to avoid corporate taxes or to benefit from tax incentives and exemptions provided by some countries to specific industries or activities. Through skillfully handling the stringent complexities of global tax legislation, the organization lessens its whole tax load, keeps the profitability, and adheres to the applicable tax laws and regulations.

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