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Glossary/Two-Way Video Interview

Two-Way Video Interview

What Is A Two-Way Video Interview?

Real-time video interviewing involves contact between the interviewer and the applicant in the online video environment. The interview also takes place through videos, similar to how people interview physically. The Two-way video interview would be facilitated via Zoom, Skype, or Microsoft Teams, enabling the applicant and the interviewer to hold a two-way video interview. This technique will empower companies to pinpoint the most efficient communication channels, professionalism, and consistency with their company in a way simple video interviews cannot.

In a competitive global market, video interviews have Helped In Permitting interviewing while the applicant is located anywhere in the Globe, schedule flexibility, and lower travel expenses. They mainly require a reliable internet service and enough equipment to provide a hassle-free live streaming of the interview for both ends of the conversation.

What Is The Significance of A Two-Way Video Interview?

Streamlining communication between the gateway and respondents is achieved with one-way video interviews because they eliminate the need to hold distant face-to-face interviews in person. Interviews that take place virtually can cut travel costs and spare you and your candidate the time and money spent on getting to the location. They are also more person-oriented and interactive than the one-directional video interviews, making them the best for assessing competencies like communication, professionalism, and cultural fit.

Example of Two-Way Video Interview

Zoom offers two-way video interviews. The interviewer sets a meeting and gives the applicant an invitation link. Both sides use cameras and microphones to enter the virtual conference session at the agreed-upon time. Real-time video and audio allow the interviewer and applicant to engage naturally. Interviewers may ask questions, evaluate replies, and provide quick feedback. Candidates may inquire about the position, corporate culture, and other pertinent issues. Zoom's screen sharing and virtual backdrops improve interviews. This platform allows for quick two-way communication and detailed applicant screening while preserving convenience and flexibility.

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