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Glossary/Work Behavior

Work Behavior

Work behavior comprises the activities, conduct and dealings of employees at work place which includes their behaviours, communication style, teamwork skills as well as their fulfillment of organizational norms and expectations. The prevailing positive work behavior leads to improved efficiency and employee harmony, promotes cooperation and mutual help among employees, and increases productivity and satisfaction. On the other hand, negative work behavior including absenteeism, conflict, or unprofessionalism can interrupt workflow, frustrate employees, and bring down your culture and working efficiency.

Example of Work Behavior

Employee showed positive work behavior when she constantly displayed professionalism, cooperation and a positive approach towards her job and co-workers. These students actively participate in the group work projects, communicate well, and ask for the constructive feedback in order to improve their performance. Apart from that, they are adaptable and enduring in the face of adversity, keeping calmness and analytical abilities while being under pressure. Their work behavior is a sign of this commitment to quality and the willingness to go the extra mile, which makes them noticed and respected by their superiors and co-workers. Conversely, adverse employee conduct like persistent lateness, gossip, or uncooperativeness with feedback can break work harmony, undermine trust, and drag down staff output and morale. Through training and encouraging positive work behavior and acting upon negative incidents promptly, enterprises can create a culture in which individuals and teams thrive.

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