Blog/How-to Guides

6 Insights to Update Your Technical Recruitment Strategy

November 28, 2023

8 min read
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The growth in technology jobs and its related field has been rampant. If we zoom in to just the last decade of sector wise job occupations, the growth in tech jobs has been substantial – and it’s no surprise. With 585,000 tech companies in the USA alone, it’s been the decade for Technology. United State’s Bureau of Labor Statistics put’s Data Scientist at the third fastest growing occupations followed by Software Developer in the 10th position, among others. So, if you think that technical recruitment is difficult, you are not wrong. With hundreds of jobs and millions to fill them, discovering top tech talents, fast, becomes an utmost priority for recruiters.

How do you do it? If you have found yourself in a bit of a puddle where you constantly fail to discover top-tier candidates for your job openings, here are a few suggestions that we think might help you re-discover your recruiting process and streamline your efforts. 

 Defining a Technical Recruiter

There are an estimated 213,034 Tech Recruiters in the United States alone. A Technical Recruiter is a dynamic professional responsible for identifying, attracting, and securing top talent in the ever-evolving world of technology. They expertly navigate the intersection of HR and tech, possessing a keen understanding of industry-specific skills, trends, and cultural nuances. With a refined technical recruitment ability to evaluate candidates, they seek the perfect match between an organisation's technical requirements and a candidate's expertise. They craft engaging job descriptions, conduct rigorous interviews, and foster strong relationships with both candidates and hiring teams. In essence, Technical Recruiters are the linchpin in building high-performance tech teams, ensuring a seamless fusion of talent and innovation.

tech recruiting ideas and insights
Tech recruitment ideas and insights

The Renewed Technical Recruiting Strategy

It’s time you optimise your technical recruitment process. Here is a checklist for you to get started. 

  • Have a Data First Approach

Intuition alone might not always assist you in making qualified decisions. A data-centric approach, on the other hand, in combination with recruiters' intuition, is the bedrock of productive tech hiring. Data empowers recruiters to make informed decisions, optimising their strategies continually. Data reveals where successful candidates originate, allowing efficient resource allocation across various platforms. By identifying deep candidate insights, it streamlines the candidate matching process. Feedback from interviews helps refine the criteria for future assessments. Time-to-fill data highlights bottlenecks, driving process efficiency. Analysing offer acceptance rates ensures competitive compensation. Retention data tracks long-term performance, while diversity metrics foster inclusivity. Cost-per-hire data aids budget management. Assessing quality-of-hire examines overall success. Feedback from unsuccessful candidates fine-tunes the process. This data-driven approach secures top tech talent, ensuring ongoing enhancement and productivity. 

  • Integrate The Agile Goal Setting Process

Tech recruitment is a dynamic arena, and traditional goal-setting can fall short in this ever-evolving landscape. Hence an Agile Goal Setting approach is paramount. It is a dynamic approach tailored to the needs of tech recruiters.
Agile Goal Setting embraces adaptability and short-term objectives. Recruiters can set flexible goals, assess progress frequently, and adjust strategies in real-time. For instance, instead of aiming to hire a set number of engineers in a year, focus on acquiring critically skilled candidates each month. This approach ensures efficiency. 
Moreover, Agile Goal Setting is a powerful tool for promoting diversity and enhancing candidate experience. Recruiters can set short-term, iterative diversity goals, and constantly fine-tune the recruitment process to be more candidate-centric.
In a tech world that never stands still, Agile Goal Setting empowers recruiters to stay nimble, seize opportunities, and deliver results with precision.

  • Get Your Job Descriptions Right

Job descriptions serve as the first step in connecting with potential candidates. Yet, the language within them holds the power to either encourage a diverse range of applicants or inadvertently dissuade them. It’s necessary to construct job descriptions that maintain professionalism while engaging a wide array of candidates.
For instance – The foundation lies in the use of inclusive language. It extends a welcoming hand to candidates of varied backgrounds. By steering clear of gendered terms and stereotypes, your job descriptions not only embrace diversity but also uphold the principles of equal opportunity. Next, Job descriptions can inadvertently harbor unconscious biases. To address this, emphasise the crucial skills, qualifications, and responsibilities of the role, while avoiding the inclusion of non-essential traits or qualifications that may discourage candidates from underrepresented groups. Employing gender-neutral terms and pronouns are a compulsion to ensure that your job descriptions do not inadvertently favour one gender over another. A vivid description of the company, the job role, requirements, qualification and working environment also encourages candidates to apply. Developing a detailed job description that’s also inclusive can take a sizable amount of time, hence, you can rely on free Job Description Makers to get the job done for you. 

  • AI To Your Rescue

Within the dynamic sphere of recruitment, AI and automation have effectively risen as pivotal instruments reshaping the hiring landscape. Their influence is profound, introducing efficiency and strategic advantages that are paramount in modern talent acquisition.
The substantial influence of AI is most striking during the process of matching jobs to candidates. Leveraging intricate algorithms, AI tools like Skima, can meticulously evaluate an extensive pool of resumes, expeditiously identifying top candidates based on deep insights from within your database. This not only preserves tech recruiters' valuable time but also establishes recognizing the urgency of AI integration is essential for recruiters. In an environment where every second holds significance and top-tier talent remains in high demand, AI and automation stand as vital elements for preserving a competitive edge.

  • Engage With Tailored Candidate Experience

Personalization in talent acquisition has become a linchpin for attracting and retaining top talent. Tailoring your communication and experiences for candidates can make all the difference. Personalization not only fosters a stronger connection between candidates and your organisation but also demonstrates your genuine interest in their unique skills and aspirations. To achieve this, maybe start by addressing candidates by their name and customising your outreach messages based on their background and preferences.
The role of AI and chatbots in this journey cannot be overstated. These technologies analyse candidate data to provide highly personalised content and interactions. From chatbots offering real-time responses to AI-driven recommendations for career growth within your company, personalization is taken to a whole new level. The impact is clear: a tailored candidate experience fosters higher engagement, encourages open dialogue, and ultimately increases the likelihood of securing the top tech talent you desire. Sometimes, it's not just about recruiting; it's about creating lasting relationships.

  • Are You Out There?

The digital age insists on employer branding. It has evolved into a strategic imperative for tech recruiters. Your organisation's online presence can be a magnet for top tech talent.
Leverage the potential of social media by actively sharing your company's culture, achievements, and employee stories. Engaging content on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram can resonate with potential candidates and offer a glimpse into your workplace's essence. Content marketing is another potent tool. Regularly publishing insightful articles, blog posts, and videos showcasing your industry expertise can establish your company as a thought leader, attracting candidates who resonate with your values. Furthermore, employee advocacy is invaluable. Encourage your team to share their experiences on social media, as these authentic voices can be your most persuasive advocates.
Yes, you are a hiring manager and not everything that’s being said resonates with you. Here is where internal communication becomes important.

Take Away!

Re-look at your hiring strategy, maybe there is something that’s missing which you found here. It may be that you aren’t using AI optimally, or your company’s online presence is not up to the mark. Are your job descriptions clear enough? The reasons for not discovering top talents in tech can be many. Rather than focusing on what you are missing, you can simply start fresh with a renewed hiring strategy that is updated to the tunes of modern hiring practices.


How is technical recruiting different?

Technical recruiting focuses on hiring candidates with specific technical skills, such as programming or engineering expertise. It involves assessing candidates' technical abilities, often through coding tests or technical interviews. This differs from general recruiting, which seeks a broader range of skills and qualifications.

What is the role of a technical recruiter?

A technical recruiter specialises in identifying and hiring candidates with specific technical skills for roles in areas like software development, engineering, or IT. Their role includes sourcing and screening candidates, conducting technical interviews, and collaborating with hiring managers to ensure a strong match between the candidate's skills and the job requirements.