Blog/Industry Trends and Insights

16 Ways You Can Use ChatGPT In Recruitment

June 10, 2024

10 min read
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ChatGPT enjoyed one of the most grandeur product launches for AI tools (to date). It was sensational across industry verticals including staffing & recruiting. There was fear, excitement, and enthusiasm—all simultaneously. Imagine the thrill. Some recruiters were amused to see the capability of generative AI, and at the same time others were worried about how things might evolve in the future, and if AI would replace some recruitment roles (if not all). Which faction did you belong to? Were you in favour of using ChatGPT in recruitment? Or were you doubtful whether it would feast upon your recruiting job roles?

Well, it’s been a year and a half, and there aren’t many instances where it can be claimed that ChatGPT is fuelling recruiter layoffs.

On the contrary,

  • Aren’t you recruiters & talent acquisition specialists using ChatGPT in recruitment to improve your efficiency and get more done in less time with fewer resources? 
  • Aren’t you recruiters using ChatGPT for sourcing candidates, generating recruitment questions, resume intelligence, etc.?

Read this article on ChatGPT recruiting use cases wherein we discuss how modern AI-savvy recruiters are using it to transform staffing & recruitment.

16 Best Use Cases Of ChatGPT For Recruitment

As the adage goes, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The frenzy around ChatGPT hasn’t settled down yet. It’s continuously growing in popularity.

More recruiters are embracing ChatGPT and AI-powered recruiting tools in their workflows. And with that, the AI fear has settled somewhat. One of the main levers behind the fear factor disappearing is that recruiters and talent acquisition specialists have gained more clarity about how ChatGPT and Gen AI, in general, will be impacting staffing & recruitment. Let us give you the spoiler, it’s going to make you more efficient. Well, not us, but the LinkedIn future of recruiting reports declared this aloud.

As per LinkedIn,

  • 62% of recruiters said that they are optimistic about the impact of AI in recruiting. 
  • There was a 14% spike in the number of recruiters adding ‘AI’ under the Skills section of their LinkedIn profile in the last year.

So, let’s dive straight into how you can make the most of ChatGPT in recruitment. Here are some of the best use cases of ChatGPT for recruitment-

1. Generate AI Job Descriptions Using ChatGPT (Optimized For Increased Candidate Application Rate)

57% of recruiters who are using Gen AI tools in recruiting say they are most content with the increased pace of creating Job Descriptions by leveraging AI recruiting tools. In fact, ChatGPT is quite good at this. You can use ChatGPT in recruiting for creating job descriptions. For instance, use the following ChatGPT prompt to create a job description-

“You’re an expert {industry/role} hiring manager. You need {numberOfCandidates) expert applicants to fill a {jobVacancyRoleName} role. Create a highly personalized job description optimized to get maximum applications from the ideal candidate persona. Keep the job description limited to 200 words. Make it mobile-friendly. Keep the language sharp and professional.”

2. Get All Keyword Variants For A Role Using ChatGPT (Helps In Razor-Sharp Talent Hunting)

Often, you will find yourself in situations where you have to fill a position, but you have no clue of what exactly the roles and responsibilities of that employee would be and what skills would make them excel at the role. So, how do even start sourcing or building an effective talent pool for the prospective candidate? Of course, the hiring manager or the team that needs the hire can help you zero in on the job requirements, but that often means stretching the time to fill. Well, the good news is that by using ChatGPT for recruitment you can avoid the extra trouble, and save valuable hiring time by dropping a simple prompt to ChatGPT-

“You’re an expert {industry/role} recruiter. You need to hire {numberOfCandidates) expert candidates to fill a {jobVacancyRoleName} role. Give me all possible variants of the job role similar to or the same as this role. Only generate the list. No description.”

This will give you the list of different nomenclature for the same role, which you can use for sourcing passive candidates or active jobseekers on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or search engines.

3. Create Boolean Search Strings Using ChatGPT In Recruitment (For More Targeted Passive Candidate Sourcing)

Using boolean search strings in recruitment and hiring is considered no less than sorcery. Boolean search improves your efficiency and effectiveness at candidate sourcing. And overall recruiting productivity as well. It’s simple, yet not many recruiters have the adroitness to create complex boolean search strings to find the best matching candidates. However, ChatGPT makes it a level-playing game for all recruiters— technical and non-technical. 41% of recruiters using AI in recruitment said it helps them improve productivity. For instance, extending the last ChatGPT prompt for role variants, here’s how you can create a boolean string to find relevant candidates on LinkedIn.

“You’re an expert technical recruiter who has mastered boolean search-led recruiting on LinkedIn. Use the list of role variants generated in the last step to create a boolean string that I can use to search candidates on LinkedIn. Give me a proper boolean string.”

4. Use ChatGPT In Recruitment To Generate A Boilerplate Template For Your High-Level Hiring Strategy

ChatGPT use cases in recruitment aren’t just limited to creating job descriptions or generating boolean search strings. It can also act as your hiring strategy brainstorming partner. There are a lot of strategies to find the top talent- from proactive recruiting strategy to social recruiting, passive candidate sourcing, cold outreach via calls and emails, referral job marketing, internal hiring, recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) and so much more. You can use ChatGPT to create a stellar skill-based hiring strategy tailored for the specific role to get the best response and outcomes.

“You’re an expert hiring strategist. Develop a comprehensive actionable hiring strategy to source candidates for {enterTheRole}. In the hiring strategy, including the best sourcing channels and methods to find qualified candidates for {enterTheRole}. Also in the hiring strategy, add the candidate screening criteria, interview process, and additional considerations like perks and salary benefits to offer.”

5. Assess Candidates By Using ChatGPT As A Resume Intelligence Tool

One of the most impactful uses of AI in recruitment is processing resumes at scale to find the ideal candidates. You can use ChatGPT for resume processing, but Skima’s AI Matching Score recruitment tool is exponentially better and easier to use than any other resume processing solution. You can check the link, or try the Skima AI platform to get a feel of the feature (it’s free to get started). However, because this article is about ChatGPT use cases in recruitment, let us share with you ‘how to use ChatGPT for analyzing resumes?’ Well, be it a PDF or DOC, copy the content of the resume. And append it to the tail of the following ChatGPT prompt-

“You’re an amazing talent screening specialist. Here is the {jobDescription} for a {jobRole}. You received many applicants but it is tough to decide which one is a better fit. Here is a {resumeData} for one of the candidates. Please assess the candidate and give me the list of the most compatible talent.”

Note: We don't recommend doing this, as you never know how ChatGPT or an AI solution would make use of the candidate data you share with it. Please do check your local legal compliances, and accordingly, use any AI tools in recruitment.

6. Create Copy For Candidate Outreach Communication & Applicant Engagement

Communication is one of the key soft skills that can have a lasting impact on your recruitment career. How you reach out to a candidate can impact whether the candidate will apply to your job posts or not. It also contributes to positive employer branding and candidate experience. Here is a sample ChatGPT prompt for recruitment to get your communication engines oiled up (Especially, if you’re using an eMail-led Recruiting strategy!

“Create a candidate outreach communication template for prospecting talent. The position to fill is {positionToFill}. Draft a DRIP outreach email campaign with less than 70 body words for each.”

7. Create Interview Questions Using ChatGPT For Staffing & Recruitment

On the same note, you can also use ChatGPT in recruitment to generate interview questions for assessing a candidate. This could give you a cursory understanding of what you’re hiring for and reduce the probability of hiring a bad hire. This subsequently helps reduce your cost per hire. The prompt here is relatively simple-

“You’re a top interviewer at {enterYourOrganizationType}. You’re hiring for {enterPosition} role. Depending on what behavioral traits & hard skills are sought for this role, create a set of interview questions to assess the candidate. Give me 5 most relevant and must-ask top questions.”

Additional Ways In Which You Can Make Use Of ChatGPT In Staffing & Recruiting

  1. Create Candidate Summaries For Reference During the Hiring Process or Presentation To The Hiring Managers
  2. Loop-in Intelligence From Exit Interviews Into Hiring Strategy
  3. Use For Strategy Brainstorming
  4. Create Job Marketing Ad Copy
  5. Create Recruiter Training Plans
  6. Expedite Role Specific FAQ Generation For Better Candidate Experience
  7. Generate Guidelines For Candidates To Improve Candidate Experience
  8. Create Candidate Experience Survey Questions, And Analyze The Same To Gain Insights
  9. Create Empathetic & Helpful Candidate Rejection Emails

The above 16 use cases list to a large extent covers all the major applications of ChatGPT in recruiting. However, the AI scene is continuously evolving, so, please feel free to add more to the list (if you discover any additional use cases where ChatGPT can come in handy to the recruiting professionals).

Use Skima AI For Better & Faster Recruitment Outcomes

To make things ridiculously simple for you, Skima AI provides you with a suite of recruitment-focused AI products designed to get things done at speed and scale. Need to hire a purple squirrel or a veteran executive? Skima has you covered. Need to do high-volume hiring? Skima AI has you covered for that too.

“How?” you ask. 

Well, in three ways-

  • Skima AI Job Description Generator

    Unlike ChatGPT, you don’t need to give a long prompt to generate good job descriptions. With Skima AI Job Description Generator, all you need to do is share the role you are hiring for, the experience you seek, and the location you’re hiring for. That’s it. Skima AI Job Description Generator will create the best JD optimized for maximizing your viewer-to-applicant conversion rate. The JD Skima AI generates is highly customizable and you can publish the job from within the Skima AI dashboard.

  • Skima AI Matching Score For Candidate Screening

    This is the core offering from Skima AI to the recruitment community. Our AI Matching Score product assesses the compatibility of candidates by screening their resumes and vetting the findings from resumes against what’s shared in the job description and requirements. This is not limited to skill-based matching, there is more to it. We compare candidates fit to the role by analyzing more than 1000 variables that we pick from both resumes and Job Descriptions. 

    Accordingly, our sophisticated AI algorithms assign a score to each candidate’s resume, aka AI Matching Score. The higher the score, the better the candidate for the role.

  • Skima AI Hiring Workflow Automation

    You can also automate hiring workflows with Skima AI Integrations. You can create workflow pipelines in Skima AI from scratch and integrate a large set of recruitment software like applicant tracking systems, interview scheduling, AI assessment, etc. into this pipeline and automate the recruitment process end-to-end.

Try Skima AI now. It’s absolutely free to get started.

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Happy recruiting!