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Outplacement service is one that employers give their employees to help those employees leave the organization for reasons such as layoffs, restructuring, or downsizing. The goal is to assist displaced employees in obtaining new positions and interacting with the job market. Employees may benefit from the outplacement services, which include career counseling, resume writing help, job search classes, and networking support. Besides, several programs of this kind can provide working links to Internet job databases and interview training. Such a procedure can be seen as a signal from employers that they care about their laid-off employees and help to reduce the hardships caused by job loss. Through this assistance, employers can ease the settling process, boost morale, and establish a reputation of care and consideration for their employees.


Workers facing layoffs were provided with outplacement service as part of the company's organizational restructuring. Every employee was given a one-on-one career counseling session, during which such issues as strengths, up-to-date resumes, and job-hunting tactics were explored. They also participated in workshops in which coaching on networking, interviews, and using job platforms were delivered. The job listings and industry contacts were shared exclusively with us. One employee, let’s say Sarah, took advantage of the outplacement services available to revamp her resume and enhance her professional contacts. Networking meetings organized by the outplacement service helped Sarah arrange several job interviews, eventually leading to her getting a new job in a different company. The outplacement support and Sarah's transition more than showed the employer's genuine concern about workers' welfare during such a crisis.

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