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The redeployment is all about reallocating employees to new positions, assignments, or departments as a replacement option instead of firming up the layoffs or workforce contraction. Redeployment projects are considered as one of the key tools to safeguard the job security of valued human assets, counter the organizational turbulence, and place the right people with adequate expertise and enthusiasm in the appropriate upcoming organizational tasks.

Example of Redeployment

While undergoing organizational changes during a restructuring phase, Company ABC relies on a redeployment strategy to assist employees that are negatively impacted by realigning business priorities or an altered resource utilization. The fun line between the HR department and managerial and departmental head of the company works internally by identifying suitable switch of job, project, or skill development for the redeployed employees.

Jobs of such beyond-betas are open for employees as per internal job vacancies, skills reviews, and career counseling sessions. HR is responsible for assisting in the process of matching employees’ skills and competencies with the appropriate role or department through provision of support, resources, and training which promotes a seamless progression of employees transferring between roles or departments.

Where other organizations respond to such market fluctuations by laying off the workforce, Company ABC opts for efficient redeployment of its human capital. Thus the company positions itself as a staff supportive organization, favouring internal mobility, and preserving institutional knowledge and the existing expertise within the organization ultimately creating a resilient, agile, and growth-focused corporate culture.

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