Skima AI candidate matching.
Glossary/Active Applicant

Active Applicant

What Is an Active Applicant?

An active applicant is actively seeking new jobs. These applicants actively look for jobs via job boards, career fairs, networking events, and direct applications to firms, unlike passive candidates who may be open to new chances but aren’t actively searching for one.

Active applicants are generally motivated and urgent in their job hunt due to discontent with their existing employment, professional progress, or personal changes. Active applicants are more likely to respond to interviews and job offers. Therefore, employers and recruiters target them primarily. Active applicants may also be more eager to negotiate job terms and circumstances, making them desirable to companies wanting to fill positions quickly.

What’s the Importance of Active Candidate?

For several reasons, active applicants are essential to the recruiting process, making them indispensable in the employment market.

  • First, active applicants are motivated and ready for change since they are actively seeking new jobs. Such proactivity frequently leads to increased participation in the recruiting process, from applying to interviews and evaluations. Active engagement can speed up the recruiting process, quickly decreasing time-to-fill metrics and filling essential roles.
  • Second, active applicants provide organizations and recruiters with a diversified talent pool. By actively seeking new positions, these individuals expand the talent pool and improve the likelihood of finding the ideal match for a role.
  • Active applicants allow companies to satisfy current employment requirements and fill skill shortages. Active applicants are more open to new possibilities and may negotiate terms and conditions more quickly than passive ones.

Example of Active Applicant

A tech company is urgently seeking a software engineer for a new product development personnel. Despite networking and referral efforts, the organization struggles to locate technical individuals with the right abilities and expertise. The firm promotes job opportunities on Internet job boards and social media to attract software developers looking for new jobs.

Due to this proactive strategy, the organization quickly gets applications from multiple active applicants. They are enthusiastic about the job and start interviewing right away. However, not every application in this process is highly qualified. Thus, using an AI screening software can help you screen the top candidates in a large database. After hiring a qualified software engineer from the pool of current applicants, the firm meets project deadlines and innovates. This example shows how active applicants can help meet urgent employment demands and assist organizational development.

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