Skima AI candidate matching.
Glossary/Candidate Engagement

Candidate Engagement

What Is Candidate Engagement?

Candidate engagement involves continual contact between recruiters and job applicants throughout the recruiting process. Starting with first contact and continuing through the employment process, it includes tactics and actions to attract, engage, and retain applicants.

Candidates should have pleasant experiences at job advertisements, career fairs, networking events, interviews, and follow-up conversations. This may be done via individualized contact, prompt replies to questions, clear job position and business culture information, and chances for applicants to display their talents and credentials.

Candidate involvement includes onboarding and beyond, not just recruiting. Candidate engagement helps companies develop a strong employer brand, build great connections with future hires, and attract top talent.

Employers may strengthen their image as employers of choice, minimize time-to-hire, increase applicant quality, and establish a pipeline of suitable prospects for current and future employment requirements by concentrating on candidate engagement. This strategy stresses respect, honesty, and professionalism for applicants throughout the recruiting process.

Why Is Candidate Engagement Important?

Organizations need candidate engagement to attract top talent, boost their employer brand, and increase recruiting results. Engaged applicants are more likely to enjoy the firm, which increases satisfaction and retention. Effective applicant engagement also creates a pleasant candidate experience, which may boost an organization's reputation and talent attraction. Prioritizing candidate engagement helps firms create and maintain connections with prospective candidates, generating a pipeline of quality talent for current and future employment requirements.

Example of Candidate Engagement

Practiced candidate engagement comprises numerous tactics and exchanges to create connections with prospective prospects. A software firm hiring engineers may conduct coding challenges or hackathons to highlight applicants' technical and problem-solving talents. The organization may also post about corporate culture, employee testimonials, and job vacancies on social media to engage passive prospects.

The organization may customize contact with applicants, including application progress updates and conducting virtual or in-person interviews. Interview preparation aids and virtual workplace visits may help applicants feel more prepared.

The organization provides welcome greetings, team introductions, and training resources to applicants after making employment offers. The organization may ask new hires for comments to enhance the applicant experience and assure happiness.

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