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Glossary/Compensation Analytics

Compensation Analytics

What Is Compensation Analytics?

Compensation analytics uses data to optimize an organization's compensation processes and policies. It includes systematically gathering, analyzing, and interpreting employee pay data, including salary, bonuses, incentives, perks, etc. Pay analytics helps companies recruit, retain, and motivate top personnel by making their pay structure competitive, fair, and consistent with their business goals.

Compensation analytics may help companies understand their compensation plan. This involves measuring their remuneration packages against industry norms and rivals to be competitive in the talent market. remuneration analytics may also reveal pay gaps and injustices in the company to ensure fair remuneration across demographic groups and job functions.

pay analytics also helps companies evaluate how well their pay schemes affect employee engagement, performance, and retention. Businesses may discover correlations and trends in employee performance, attrition, and remuneration to guide compensation structure and incentive program choices.

pay data may be analyzed using predictive modeling and machine learning to anticipate future pay demands, employee attrition, and incentive systems. To remain ahead in a competitive market, this proactive strategy lets companies foresee problems and make data-driven choices.

Example Of Compensation Analytics

A global technology corporation uses compensation analytics to improve employee retention and performance. The organization tracks wages, incentives, stock options, and perks across employment roles, levels, and locations using compensation analytics.

First, the organization benchmarks its remuneration packages against industry norms and rivals. This helps identify areas where the company's remuneration may be below or above market standards, allowing them to make educated modifications to recruit and retain top staff.

Next, the organization uses compensation analytics to discover gender and race pay gaps. The organization may avoid legal or reputational difficulties related to pay discrimination by monitoring staff demographics and salary levels.

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