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Glossary/Just Cause Termination

Just Cause Termination

What Is a Just cause termination?

Just cause termination is the termination of an employee based on grounds like the employee's poor performance or violation of workplace standards. A "just cause" termination is one in which the employer has to show a sound reason for ending the employment relationship, whether it is misconduct, poor performance, or a breach of company rules or regulations. This kind of dismissal usually occurs after a progressive disciplinary procedure in which the employee is warned or given a chance to improve before dismissal. Just cause termination is frequently pitted against termination without cause, in which an employee is dismissed for no specific reason. Employers must always abide by legal and ethical regulations when terminating with just cause. This is necessary to ensure that the process is fair and avoid potential legal issues.


A good illustration of just cause dismissal is when a worker repeatedly violates the company's code of conduct by harassing co-workers after three warnings and incurring disciplinary actions. While the employer tries to correct the employee's conduct through counselling and disciplinary actions, the latter continues to show unacceptable behaviour that creates a hostile working environment. Consequently, it leads to the employer's decision to fire the employee for cause, based on repeated violations of the company's policy and refusal to follow the norms. Accordingly, the termination, in this case, is fair, as the employee's behaviour and its effect on the company's working environment reflect the application of just cause principles in employment termination situations.

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