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Glossary/Continuous Feedback

Continuous Feedback

Instant feedback, which is sometimes called ongoing feedback or real-time feedback, is about providing regular performance evaluation, coaching, and communicating to the employees at regular intervals rather than during the annual performance reviews. Regular feedback requires regular communication between a manager and an employee, including check-ins, discussions, and constructive feedback in which expectations are aligned, concerns are identified, achievements are recognized, and goals are supported. This feedback-driven setting fosters transparency, accountability, and a learning culture where employees focus on performance, engagement, and retention.

Example Of Continuous Feedback

For example, a software development team would build a culture of continuous feedback as part of the agile methodology they are employing in project management. Instead of waiting until the end of the project to review performance, the team holds daily stand-up meetings, sprint retrospectives and one-on-one sessions between team members and their managers where they share the current progress, challenges and opportunities to improve. These team members give feedback to each other's work, share their best practices, and team up to find solutions to solve problems. Besides this, managers present constructive feedback and coaching specific to the team member's needs and goals that help them grow and achieve better results in their positions. Disseminating the culture of constant feedback, the software development team provides a transparent, accountable and progressive environment fostering higher productivity, creativity and staff satisfaction.

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