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ESIC: Explanation

The Government of India established the Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) under the Employee State Insurance Act, 1948. ESIC manages and regulates the Employee State Insurance (ESI) Scheme, which provides social security to organized sector workers and their families. ESIC's main goal is to protect employees from financial hardship due to illness, maternity, disability, occupational diseases, and work-related accidents. The ESI Scheme requires employers and employees to contribute to a common fund managed by ESIC, which provides cash benefits and medical care to insured individuals and their families. ESIC provides healthcare and social security benefits to covered beneficiaries through dispensaries, hospitals, and regional offices nationwide.

Example of ESIC

Take an Indian manufacturing company with over 20 employees. The Employee State Insurance Act, 1948 requires the company to register with the ESIC and enroll eligible employees in the ESI Scheme. After registering with ESIC, the company and its employees must contribute a certain percentage of their wages to the ESI fund monthly.

Suppose the company's monthly payroll includes 50 Rs. 20,000-earning employees. Currently, the employer contributes 4.75% of employees' wages to the ESI fund, while employees contribute 1.75%. The total monthly ESI fund contribution is calculated as follows:

Employer Contribution = Total Wages * Employer Contribution Rate Employer Contribution = (50 employees * Rs. 20,000) * 4.75% Employer Contribution: Rs. 47,500

Employee Contribution = Total Wages * Contribution Rate Contribution = 50 employees * Rs. 20,000 * 1.75% Employee Contribution: Rs. 17,500

The company and its employees would contribute Rs. 65,000 to the ESI fund monthly. ESIC receives this amount within the specified timeframe.

Employees and their eligible dependents receive medical treatment, cash benefits during sickness, maternity, disablement, and death, and funeral coverage, in exchange for their contributions. Employees can receive free or low-cost medical care at ESIC dispensaries, hospitals, and tie-up facilities nationwide. Additionally, insured individuals receive cash benefits like sickness pay, maternity pay, and disablement benefits under certain conditions and eligibility criteria.

The example shows how ESIC provides healthcare and financial protection to organized sector workers and their families through the ESI Scheme. ESIC promotes workforce social welfare and economic security by mandating employer and employee contributions to fund essential benefits and services for covered beneficiaries.

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