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Glossary/Salaried Employee

Salaried Employee

A salaried worker is an individual that gets a particular amount of money for their work, usually indicated in an annual salary instead of per hour. For the most part, salaried employees are full-time workers who enjoy perks like paid time off, health insurance, and retirement benefits. Unlike hourly workers, salaried employees may not get overtime pay and are expected to perform their duties for the allocated hours regardless of the actual number of hours worked.

Example of Salaried Employee

In a corporate setting, a marketing manager is remunerated based on a salary where one receives a fixed annual income for superintending promotional campaigns, managing a team, and developing marketing strategies. The marketing manager, irrespective of the volumes of work or deadlines, receives a fixed salary every month which serves as a source of stability and predictability for their living expenses. Unlike them who may at times go overtime to make sure they meet a deadline or attend events outside the workspace hours, their salary is not based on the hours they work beyond regular office hours.

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