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Glossary/Glassdoor Rating

Glassdoor Rating

Glassdoor Ratings are a numerical score or a rating, provided by employees or the previous employees who have worked for the company on the Glassdoor's platform website. This is where people can anonymously review and rate their employers based on different factors, such as culture of work, remuneration, staff benefits, and management style or approach.

Example of Glassdoor Ratings

At this time, Company XYZ has an average of 4.5 stars out of the 5 being the rating it got from its users which are both the employees and those who had previously worked in the Company. As evident in its high Glassdoor rating that mirrors positive views about the company's workplace culture, transparent management system, and employee benefit packages, the business is well-positioned with a strong talent pipeline to meet the demand of the healthcare sector.

Workers at Company XYZ appreciate the supportive work environment and attractiveness of working here, as well as good opportunities for career development and market-oriented compensation. Besides, the firm is found to have brilliant ratings for its inclination to diversity and inclusion, health programs, and practices set up to ensure work-life balance.

A good Glassdoor rating is an opportunity for company XYZ to increase its employer brand, attract ltalent which will be confident oits employer choice brand in the industry. Company draws attention to its Glassdoor rating that it is favorable among the competitors in talent market.

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