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Glossary/Knowledge Management (KM)

Knowledge Management (KM)

What Is Knowledge management (KM)?

Knowledge management (KM) is about the process of knowledge capture, organization, and sharing across the organization to increase efficiency and innovation within the organization. It incorporates procedures, systems, and techniques designed to capture the data, documents, databases, and expertise. The purpose of KM is to foster collaboration and transfer knowledge among employees, thus speeding up decision-making, problem-solving and learning. Through tech utilization and implementing best practices, organizations can create knowledge repositories, communities of practice, and sharing platforms to amass collective intelligence. KM initiatives help create a culture of continuous learning and improvement, where innovation and competition are given an edge. Effective knowledge management enables the organization to have agility, resilience, and the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing business environment by empowering staff to apply knowledge to meet organizational goals and ensure sustainable growth.


An illustration of knowledge management at work is a company implementing a centralized online platform that facilitates the sharing of competencies, good practices and lessons learned among their employees. This platform allows employees to retrieve relevant information, documents, and resources they require to support their work. In addition to that, the platform can include forums or discussion boards where employees can ask questions, seek advice and collaborate with other colleagues who could be from different departments or locations. This is brought about by the fact that the company can facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration of its personnel to solve problems quickly, innovate faster and adapt to changes in the business environment. It thereby improves organizational learning, stimulates the culture of continuous improvement and leads to higher performance and competitiveness.

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