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Glossary/Injunctive Relief

Injunctive Relief

What Is Injunctive Relief?

Injunction relief is an example of a legal remedy in which a party that faces an unlawful set of behaviours may seek to stop the other party from doing so and lighting the nation on fire. It is essentially a device when the defendant is accused of unjust enrichment at the plaintiff's expense, and the compensation needs to be sufficiently provident or disproportionate. It can be issued for a temporary or permanent time frame by a court of the judicial authority. The short term or preliminary injunctions are given temporarily in courts until the Supreme Court passes the final decision in the underlying matter. These may usually come to hearing in the suits for trademark infringement, breach of contract, or violations of intellectual property rights. The court grants permanent injunctions in the final judgment of a dispute and these orders are not a temporary fix but the enforcement of cease-and-desist orders against the defendant. The injunction remedy is based on the principle of appeal on both sides to prevent the situation from changing and to ensure that the dispute will be accountable.


An illustration of the recall for injunctive relief is when a drug manufacturing company sues its counterpart for breach of the respective patent rights. The plaintiff claims that the defendant is producing and selling a generic version subjected to intellectual property, thus violating the rights. The Defendant keeps worrying about the risk of market narrowing and damage to the business. Therefore, the Plaintiff has filed a motion for injunction relief in court. They are desirous of a preliminary injunction to immediately cease the distribution and sale of the proposed generic drug arrangement until any final court decision is made. That is the court's order and the injunction temporarily, which will not give the defendant the right to proceed with further patent infringement activity. This preventive relief is designed to protect the status quo, the plaintiff's intellectual property, and business interests as each party disputes their court case.

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