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Microaggressions are subtle intrusion actions, often unintentional gestures or comments, that carry derogatory or negative meanings to dark-skinned individuals from any race category. Such actions are multifaceted and can be verbal or non-verbal, including comments, gestures, and behaviours. The interaction may become a place of violation during the FDWs' routine activities in the host country. This may involve, for example, a stereotyped belief that women cannot do as well as men or a failure to show compassion for someone's concerns. However, as the individual actions may well appear to be insignificant at the individual level, their accumulated effect can create powerful social consequences for the people targeted by them. Microaggressions are dangerous as they can create and reinforce prejudice towards certain groups. Recalling microaggressions is significant as it guarantees inclusive spaces where all the individuals feel seen and heard and their opinions are valued. It necessitates consistent education, understanding, and a pledge to change traditions and behaviors that manifest an apathy to the intellectual cultivation of people and institutions at all levels.

Example Of Microaggressions

A scenario in which the word misappropriation comes to mind is when a colleague often fails to pronounce the name of a coworker of Asian origin. However, corrections have been shared with him. This joke may come across as innocent to listeners. However, it sends a mixed message; the difficulty of the name and the unimportance of its owner. Also, when a woman's perspectives and opinions are ignored or suppressed during meetings or when she is repeatedly talked over, this diminishes her authority and expertise. This behavior, albeit unintended and sometimes minor, can eat into someone's self-confidence and the inclination to belong to the workplace. It's crucial to see and maintain those microaggressions as they contribute to creating an atmosphere in which all individuals will be treated fairly and feel so.

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