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Generation Millennials, which are primarily represented by individuals born between 1981 and 1996, demonstrate the attributes of a versatile perception, tech savvy-ness, and ultimately remarkable work-life balance. Being born into a time of fast-growing technology and economic uncertainty, millennials have been keen to work with meaning, flexibility, and social responsibility. Authentic individuals who prefer decent returns to material wealth and find meaningful involvement in both their private and vocational life. One way that millennials have impacted brands is in their value of genuineness and literacy. This value is where a lot of industries, including technology and marketing, have come from and have even pushed societies to make changes. Amid student lending problems and job market competitiveness, young people are changing workplace environments and customer preferences, highlighting their importance.


Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, are bringing about changes to the world as they themselves incorporate their versions of values and lifestyles. However, nowadays' youth, sometimes called digital natives, are skillful in using technology in all areas of life, from relationships to professional development. Millennials consider experiences more important than material goods, thus, they are willing to pay for flights, restaurants, and other services that provide them with memorable moments. They treasure a good work-life balance and most of them will preffer part time jobs that will give them time for both vocational and personal development. Social responsibility is a pillar of millennial mentality which proceeds them in ethically produced products choice and environmentally feasible practices. They are those who are the bringers of social justice, fairness, and inclusivity in organizations and businesses. They force enterprises to answer for their actions and citizens to be treated equally.

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