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What Is Ombudsman?

The ombudsman is an impartial and independent person or company that is designated to comprehensively investigate, and try to resolve complaints, conflicts or disputes between parties using a fair and confidential approach. Ombudsman services are created to ensure the availability of the trustworthy and confidential space for people for sharing their concerns, exploring the options, and finally resolving the disputes without any fear of possible retaliation and condemnation from other people. Ombudsman can be found in various sectors ranging from the government agencies to the industries, educational facilities, health care units and the civil society organizations in order to promote transparency, accountability and conflict management.

Example Of Ombudsman

Take this into consideration that a giant business may be able to hire an ombudsman to manage employee issues, intra-departmental conflicts or ethical concerns of the stakeholders. Staff members faced with work-related difficulties – either harassment, discrimination, or settling disputes with co-workers – may use the ombudsman to resolve these issues informally and confidentially. The ombudsman may hear the employee's positions, impartially investigate, facilitate the talks between parties and offer ways to remove the cause of the problem. Through a neutral conflict resolving process, the ombudsman keeps the organization’s workplace and atmosphere of trust that removes the risks for the company.

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