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What is Induction?

Induction, in regard to human resource management, is the process of providing newly recruited employees with an overview of their roles, the organization, its culture, policies, and procedures. It is a critical part of employee integration and making sure that newly employed people have what it takes to get up to speed at work. Induction is a process that often involves orientations, training, and information materials that make it possible for new employees to gain knowledge of what their duties are, what the company's goals and values are, how to act in terms of safety, and other essential aspects of their work environment. Moreover, in these programs, the new employee will know the key colleagues and the stakeholders as well as get an insight into the company's history, structure, and objectives. Through their thoughtful induction process, the organization will create a positive first impression not only for the new employees but also for their early effectiveness and engagement. It is the foundation of positive employee experience, and it has a long-term impact on the retention and satisfaction of workers.


Induction in action could be seen in a scenario of hiring a fresh software engineer by a technology company. In the induction process of the engineer, these activities are carried out to orient the candidate on the culture, practices, and expectations of the organization. They visit orientation, where they are introduced to the company's mission, values, and history, and they are informed about their position in the organization. The program will provide some training sessions on the company's software development methodologies, coding standards, and tools commonly used in related projects. Moreover, an engineer schedules a meeting with their supervisor and co-workers to determine project responsibilities, expectations, and objectives. They are empowered with the opportunity to use internal resources like documentation, communication platforms, and collaboration tools. Through this organized first-day process, the new software engineer obtains the information and assistance needed to integrate successfully into their new job, which in turn benefits the company.

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