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Glossary/Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture

Organizational culture stands for the collection of common values, beliefs, norms, attitudes and behaviors, it is the shared identity and the social environment of the organization. It consists of the unwritten rules, traditions, and customs that dictate how employees communicate with each other, make decisions, and behave at work. Organizational culture encompasses the various aspects of the employee experience such as engagement, motivation, job satisfaction, performance, and retention. Organizational culture with a strong and positive sense develops a sense of belonging, aligning employees with organizational goals and the creation of a supportive work environment which in effect to the organization's success and leadership in the industry.

Example Of Organizational Culture

One more example is that a tech startup may have a culture that focuses on innovation, creativity, and collaboration. Workers are being motivated towards implementing new ideas, taking smart risks, and passing on knowledge and experience to other working groups. The company's open-office layout, relaxed dress code, and flexible working hours reflect its core values of autonomy, trust and balance between work and life. Moreover, particular team-building activities, hackathons, and social events continuously enhance relationships between the employees and unify them as a community. It is a dynamic and diverse culture which creates an appealing environment for outstanding professionals who identify with the company's ethos and ambitions, increasing employee engagement, productivity and retention.

Contrary to this, a traditional financial institution's culture is probably hierarchical, with stability and accordance to the established procedure. Employees are required to follow established procedures, give top priority to risk management, and maintain regulatory compliance standards. With its conservative dress code, formal communication channels and performance metrics, the company is demonstrating that they are serious about their professionalism and accountability. This tradition may be attractive to those seeking routine and stability, although it poses problems for innovation and flexibility in an unpredictable environment.

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