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Glossary/Organization Tree

Organization Tree

What Is An Organization Tree?

An organization tree, also known as an organizational chart or org chart, is a graphic depiction of positions and the relationships between them within a given organization. It visualizes the reporting lines, functional roles and levels of authority from top-level executives to frontline employees. Organizing charts usually use hierarchical shapes such as boxes to show positions or job titles and linked by lines that represent reporting relationships or communication channels. Organization trees represent the organizational structure, reduce role and responsibility unclear, push up the communication and decision-making process and define cooperation and career advancement opportunities.

Example Of Organization Tree

As an illustration, a manufacturing business might create an organization tree to reflect a hierarchical structure incorporating a CEO at the top and functional departments such as operations, finance, marketing, and human resources headed by the vice presidents or directors. These departments may have further sub-departments or groups of people managed by the supervisors or managers, who report to these supervisors. The organization tree is like a visual representation of the order of command, lines of authority, and channels of communication within the company. It helps employees to understand the organizational structure and their position in it. Organization trees are living documents that can be dynamic as the organization gets bigger, restructures, or adapts to changing business needs.

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