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Glossary/ Favoritism


What is Favoritism?

Preferential treatment or partiality toward specific people or groups is called favoritism. It may occur in schools, businesses, social circles, and families. Based on personal preferences, connections, or other subjective reasons, people in power or influence frequently show favoritism by giving extra advantages, chances, or attention to those they like.

Favoritism in the workplace may damage trust, morale, and productivity. Mistreated employees may become demotivated, disengaged, or resentful, increasing turnover and decreasing corporate performance. Favoritism may also deter creativity and diversity in the workplace by undermining meritocracy and equal opportunity.

Favoritism affects justice, equality, and meritocracy in many walks of life. In the workplace, education, personal relationships, openness, accountability, and equality in decision-making are needed to combat bias. People and organizations may reduce bias and increase peace and collaboration by promoting fairness and inclusion.

Example Of Favoritism

Favoritism in the workplace occurs when management favors Sarah above her coworkers. The manager assigns Sarah high-profile projects, promotes and raises her more often, and gives her more autonomy and resources than her counterparts despite identical credentials and performance.

Sometimes, the management gives a new project straight to Sarah, even when other team members have shown interest and necessary abilities. Sarah receives exclusive benefits, including conferences, networking events, and flexible work hours.

The partiality makes Sarah's coworkers angry and demoralized. Lack of recognition for their work may lower morale and job satisfaction. Favoritism may also damage management and company confidence by having workers doubt decision-making fairness. Favoritism may cause attrition, lower productivity, and team conflict over time. It may also promote nepotism and favoritism when progress depends on relationships rather than merit or competence.

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