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Glossary/Floating Holiday

Floating Holiday

A floating holiday, which may alternatively be called a discretionary day or a flex day, is a paid day off provided by an employer at the employee's discretion, in addition to the fixed holidays and vacation days. Different from the fixed holidays, for example, New Year's Day or Independence Day, floating holidays are not linked to a particular date or religious holiday. Contrary to this, staff can take this extra day off whenever it is convenient for them: either due to cultural, personal or individual reasons. Floating holidays provide employees with flexibility and autonomy and let them combine work and personal commitments along with promoting positive work-life balance.

Example of Floating Holiday

For instance, if MNO Tech Company offers its staff members three floating holidays per year plus standard paid leave. Each staff could use these fixed hours holidays for any reason they may choose, subject to advance approval from their immediate line manager. For example, an employee might take a floating holiday to celebrate a religious holiday that doesn't officially appear in the company's holiday schedule or to stretch a long weekend for a vacation. Through providing floating holidays, MNO Tech conveys respect to the different needs and choices of its workforce creating a culture of trust and flexibility. Employees value the fact that they can adjust their free time in accordance with their personal code or values, therefore, the job satisfaction and engagement rises.

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