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Glossary/BAU (Business as Usual)

BAU (Business as Usual)

BAU (Business as Usual) denotes an ordinary daily operations and activities of an enterprise or an organization without any disruptions, changes or extraordinary events. BAU involves day-to-day operations, procedures, and flows, which are vital for the sustainability and steady functioning of the business, and for delivering goods and services to customers. Businesses, albeit, may face sporadic challenges, fluctuations or unforeseen instances but BAU implies that activities continue seamlessly and efficiently in line with the preset norms, standards and operations procedures.

Example of BAU (Business as Usual):

As an illustration, a retail outlet applies the BAU scenario when it welcomes customers during the normal business hours, restocks the shelves, transacts with the customers and provides customer services without any kind of interruptions or disruptive problems. Likewise, the software development company can proceed and release subsequent software updates in accordance with its predetermined development cycles and release schedules, following the preset procedures and practices for quality assurance. BAU helps the organization to be consistent, reliable, and predictable in their operations, and the business will meet customer demands, achieve their objectives, and be able to adapt to the changing market conditions. Businesses also have to be able to respond to any unforeseen disruption or challenges that may occur and prevent them from achieving BAU, such as natural disasters, economic downturns, or technological failures, by implementing contingency plans and resilience strategies.

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