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Glossary/Background Check

Background Check

Background checking is a procedure of digging into and verifying details of an individual’s personal, professional and criminal history so that suitability can be ascertained for employment, accommodation, licensing and many other things. Background checks usually include search of public records, which includes checking of criminal records, credit history, employment history, educational qualifications, and professional licenses. Possibly, employers, landlords, financial institutions, and government agencies carry out background checks for purposes to mitigate risks, ensure compliance with regulations, and make informed decisions about eligibility of individuals for specific opportunities or responsibilities. Background checks have different degrees of detail and complexity, based on the requirements of the organisation or institution conducting the check.

Example of Background Check

For instance, a background check happens when an employer screens job candidates before extending a job offer to ascertain their qualifications and match them to the position. The employer may decide to hire a third-party background screening company to conduct several checks, which might include the criminal background check, employment verification, education verification, and reference check. The background check process allows the employer to verify the truthfulness of the data supplied by the candidates, uncover any inconsistencies, and evaluate the safety concerns regarding the targeted person. The employer can make decisions on job offers based on the results of the background check. With that, the company takes part in ensuring workplace safety and integrity while complying with existing laws and regulations that govern the practice of background screening.

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