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What Is Clopening?

In retail and service, "clopening" is working the closing and opening shifts back-to-back with a brief break. This word combines "closing" with "opening."Employees may complete shutting late at night and start opening early the following morning. Extended work hours and little rest may lead to weariness, lower productivity, and poor effects on employee well-being.

Opening shifts are popular in restaurants, retail shops, and hospitality enterprises that operate overnight. Clopening shifts may be scheduled for personnel, operational, or cost-saving reasons.

Labour activists and workers' rights organizations have criticized clopening for exploiting workers by denying them enough rest between shifts. Some governments require a certain length of time off between shifts or pay premiums for clopening workers. Clopening may make it hard for workers to balance work and life, and it might harm their health due to lack of rest.

Example Of Clopening

Imagine a retail shop closing at 9:00 PM and opening at 6:00 AM the next day. Sarah, an employee, has a changing shift. Sarah leaves work around 9:30 PM after helping customers, restocking items, and shutting the shop. She runs home, eats, and relaxes before bedtime at 11:00 PM. Sarah has trouble falling asleep due to the day's stress and the necessity to get up early.

At 4:30 AM, the alarm wakes her up, leaving her exhausted. She barely has time to get a coffee and arrives at work at 5:45 AM to prepare for the store's opening. Sarah battles tiredness while putting up displays, refilling products, and helping early-bird buyers all morning.

Sarah's enthusiasm wanes during the morning, making it harder for her to be attentive and helpful. After her duty finishes in the early afternoon, she's physically and psychologically weary, with little time to recuperate before her next shift. Clopening shifts may strain and fatigue workers. Thus, scheduling procedures should emphasize employee well-being.

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