Skima AI candidate matching.


What Is Screening?

Screening is the procedure of unifying recruitment personnel in sorting out applicants and predicting their match to a certain job or position. It implies screening resumes, filling out application forms, and reviewing other job seeker details to match qualified and fit job seekers based on what the hiring party defines as minimum qualifications. The identification process can involve initial screening, which may consist of telephone interviews or online tests, among other tools, to help assess the candidates' skills and experience, as well as their match with the vacant position.

The mission of the screening procedure is to narrow down the applicant pool and ultimately have it consist of the most efficient candidates who are likely to advance their careers by doing the job. This also saves the time and essential resources of recruiters and hiring managers by making their selection more concentrated on candidates they think have the most turnover to the next stage of the hiring process. Moreover, screening also impacts the kind of applicants that move to the next step as it only paves the way for qualified candidates therefore, the quality of applicants is maintained before recruitment.

Example of Screening

In the case of screening in a healthcare facility, for instance, it could happen when a healthcare entity has to handle many applications for a nursing position. An initial trial of both resumes and a relevant nursing diploma, which the hiring manager is looking for, takes place. The manager screens candidates based on criteria such as 5 years of experience in the healthcare setting, guilt in a few life-saving procedures, and familiarity with the Electronic Healthcare Record System.

The manager takes the first step by screening the applicants with more suitable ones who undergo the phone interviews that aid in their assessment regarding communication, professionalism, and passion for working with the organization. With this filtering process, the hiring manager can easily draw out applicants who satisfy the required credentials and possess the key competencies and attributes for the nursing profession. As a result, only those who have met all these criteria are granted further consideration in the hiring process.

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