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Glossary/Job Requisition

Job Requisition

Job Requisition: Explanation

A job requisition is a formal request made by an organisation to its human resources department to fill a specific job opening. This process initiates the recruitment and hiring procedures, outlining the essential details of the position and the qualifications required in a prospective candidate. The job requisition serves as the foundation for the recruitment process, guiding HR professionals in crafting job descriptions, advertising the position, and evaluating candidates. It ensures alignment between the hiring manager's expectations and the recruiting strategy. Once approved, the job requisition becomes the basis for attracting, assessing, and ultimately selecting the most qualified candidate to contribute to the organisation's goals.

Job Requisition: Example

Imagine a growing technology company that identifies the need for a software engineer to strengthen its development team. The hiring manager or department head would submit a job requisition to the HR department. This requisition document would include crucial information such as the job title (Software Engineer), department (Development), reporting structure, key responsibilities (e.g., software design, coding, testing), required qualifications (e.g., relevant degree, programming languages proficiency), and any specific skills or experience desired.

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