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Offboarding is the process of transitioning former employees out of the company.  It takes into account several tasks ranging from retrieving company assets to communicating the employee's departure, revoking systems access, and holding an exit interview. The goal is to make the transfer smooth, tie up loose ends, and ensure the employee departs on good terms and with a great opinion of the organization.

The purpose is to enhance employee experience and minimize the effect of the leaving on the company. However, it shapes workers' critical final impressions of the organization and its employer brand.

Example of A General Offboarding Process

A major corporation with strong HR regulations and processes has a sophisticated offboarding process. HR schedules an exit interview when an employee resigns to learn about their reasons for leaving, their time at the firm, and any ideas for improvement. HR discusses last paychecks, benefits continuance, and other logistics at the leaving interview. To facilitate a seamless transfer, the leaving employee works with their manager and HR to prepare a transition plan including their remaining tasks, current projects, and important contacts.

HR manages the return of properties like laptops, badges, and other company-owned devices and deactivates system and facility access to preserve security as the departure date approaches. HR also works with IT and finance to update data and remove leaving employees from mailing lists, payroll, and other systems.

HR contacts the employee after they leave to discuss aspects like COBRA coverage, retirement plans, and other post-employment services. HR may also perform a post-exit interview survey to learn more about offboarding and ask for recommendations for process improvements.

A proper offboarding procedure shows the company's professionalism, respect for leaving employee, and care in preserving its assets and interests, boosting its employer brand and image.

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